Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Sunny Day

The sun was out today. It was quite nice, but despite the sun, it was freezing!!! I still had to wear my coat, and actually zip it up on our walk and even then I was cold! Stupid wind! It ruins everything with its coldness!
If you found a spot sheltered from the wind but still open to the sun then it was really nice, so nice that if you were a dog or a cat that you could sunbathe!

We did go for a walk today, and I did bring my camera but I didn't bother with photos. I love Oscar but they are all the same, look here is one of Oscar sniffing, and another, and now one of him looking at me and then one of him in a stream looking at me, oh and then one of him sniffing....again! So if you want to see what our walk was like today then have a scroll down at some of the other blog posts.

I did take some nice pictures of him earlier though. Just to let you know though, they are all of Oscar lying in the sun and thats pretty much it so enjoy!

And then he got annoyed and hit my camera so I went out and annoyed the cat instead, but she isn't as interesting to photograph...... at least she never killed me though.....

As you can tell it was a really interesting day.......... not really.
Oscar had some turkey and pork for dinner with an egg and shell and a bit of garlic, but the freezer is bursting and the dog food is at the bottom and I really don't want to go out and dig through it to find something to give him tomorrow. I'll have to though, but maybe later......

I just saw this on Facebook and I really want to take Oscar!
 Bark in the Park
But its an hour away from us so I'm not sure..........  We will have to wait and see though.