Friday, 15 February 2013

Todays Adventures!!!!!

Believe it or not, the weather is lovely today! Its not raining (though their was a short shower earlier) and there is no wind either!  It is actually warm enough to go outside without a jacket, it's truly amazing!

We had some fun this morning, worked on Oscar's new trick (walking in between my legs) and we did, of course, play! I also took out my bike, great I thought so I hopped on and went around the front of the house, that went fine, Oscar ran along too. But then I thought I would go up the back garden........ bad idea! I barely made it up to the top. Talk about being unfit!

We started off with a game of tug which lasted....ummmm........ lets say 20 minutes! I think the fact that I had some treats may have influenced Oscar bring the toy back to me!
Big head!!!!

Then we went out for a nice long walk in the field. On top of the great weather, Oscar was also brilliant! He did a good sit stay for about 4 minutes and his recall was nearly flawless!
He's off!!!
Treat catch!!!
Heel on the right
Heel on the left
Look, I gots muzzy pawes!!!!!
Multitasking! Walk and drink, walk and drink!
I'm finished now! I command you to lift me home!

So the walk went very well! I did have a video of a recalling Beagle (yes, thats right, an off leash beagle actually coming back when told to!) and a video of zoomies after our walk but there is a problem uploading them, so I am afraid that you will have to go without those.

Now for something totally unrelated to dogs!
I was at horse riding tonight and I was put on Chester. Now, I hate riding Chester because he just does not do anything! And he threw me off him twice in the space of about 1 minute! I haven't been on Chester in like 2 months so when I was told Chester I died a little inside! But.......

..... he was brilliant!!!!! He did jumping and everything! I ended up asking my instructor what she had done with the real Chester! I was amazed and so please with him!

It was a very good day today indeed! Lets hope tomorrow is the same!

( OK, well I kind of lied, because it is tomorrow! I didn't have time last night to post it so it had to wait. And yes, the weather is also very good today, sadly Oscar is at home alone because I am in my Nannys!!! )


Monday, 11 February 2013

Yesterdays Adventures!!!!

Yesterday me and Oscar went for a very long walk in I don't know how may fields!
I have lived here for over 7 years now and I only just found out that the River Boro runs through the fields!!! I knew about a river that was here, but I never actually thought it flowed through the fields, I'm not really sure where I thought it went???  Talk about a blond moment, ehhhh????
The magical Boro River!!!
There were actually some really nice fields after you made it through the acre of mud and slop! Oscar was great in the fields too. He stayed very close, and hopped over to me when I called him and despite somebody strange (well I knew him, Oscar didn't) turning up in one of the fields Oscar didn't run up to him, he actually stayed with me!!!! Although, to be honest, it was like Oscar was curious and wanted to meet him but he was unsure and a little skittish. Maybe it's a bad thing, but seeing as he didn't attack the 'stranger' with excitement, I'm going to take it as a good thing!

And Oscar, of course, had a good sniffing about!

Then after a little more walking we found this little stream,

But because I wore my hiking boots and not my wellies we couldn't get across to that field in the back of the photo. So next time I will wear my wellies, will probably go there tomorrow if its nicer out or maybe later on today if it brightens up.(but I very much doubt that it will)
Oscar also found a nice stump to have a lookout on, to the extent that he spent a good 5 minutes up there scouting around!

Did anybody notice anything? Anything about Oscar? Maybe something he was wearing?
He got a new harness!!!!! And he loves it! (so do I)  It's definitely got Oscar's stamp of approval, and it help up really well yesterday. Although it did have to be washed afterwards, but that can only be expected after the stuff Oscar ran through!  I am very pleased with it indeed!

On another note, Dad said yes to getting another dog!!!!!!  We obviously have to work on the fence first, but he has a plan on how to go about doing it!!!! Mum will need some convincing though. She is worried that if I get a second dog then my school work will suffer for my last year of school. But it wont, I can't see why another dog would distract me more than Oscar already has????  Anyway, for now it's all looking good, I have got in touch with the rescue so I know their homing requirements and if we get the fence up then we will meet them all!!!! I'm so happy!!!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Thats it! I cannot stop myself anymore!!

I need to get another dog!!!!!
Oscar is desperate for a friend and there is a dog in a rescue that is perfect for us, and she is just waiting for me to come and get her! 
The biggest problem however is the fence, we don't have one. Well, we have half the back garden fenced in, we just need to work on the other half.
Dad has plenty of pallets, but he is thinking of using better wood for the main fence and gate across the back drive, so that will be the fence which totally separates the back from the front. If he does that, then it leaves all the pallets, which I can use to reinforce the perimeter fence of the back garden, which is currently composed of wooden stakes and chicken wire. Because we are taking the old dog pen apart that also leaves us with spare wood and chicken wire which can be used to help further strengthen and higher the perimeter fence.
So, if dad gets some more pallets from work (which he gets for free) then that should hopefully be enough wood to make a nice fence for the garden!!!

And, we already have Oscar so if the fence is fixed then we fit the criteria for getting this little girl!!!!

I just hope I can convince mum that it is a good idea, but I know that she will crumble under the puppy dog eyes coming from, not only the rescue dog in question but also Oscars, and mine!!!!

I have enough money for the adoption fee and collars and beds and all so in essence all mum and dad have to do is help me with the fence (dad) and then bring me to collect her.

I really want her!!!!! And I need to have her, she had been waiting for a home for 3 years!!! Preferably my home!!!! 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Here comes the spring....... I hope!

I was convinced yesterday that the spring had arrived because I woke up to this wonderful scene,

Oscar was pleased that it was warmer than usual too.  I gave him his breakfast and then he resumed his usual spot when it's sunny outside,

I have been pretty busy lately so walks have been fairly short and boring (accept when Oscar gets stuck in a tree, or I fall out of one) So Oscar was over the moon when we went for our morning walk. I popped him over the fence and he was off,

 We went into 4 fields in total and my boots, which were just cleaned, were covered in muck, as they should be!!! Oscar has never been a water loving dog but he actually walked though this mega puddle in one of the fields, 
And that was actually after it had dried up a little!

He wasn't overly happy though when I decided to test his sit stay, but what can I say it has to be done some time. And, even if I do say so myself, he was very good indeed! 5 minutes without budging or turning off, although it was with me in sight. 

 It was a fun walk indeed (well, without the stay training part anyway) The weather was good and the field was relatively dry (you can just totally ignore that giant puddle, just pretend you never saw that picture!) 

Today on the other hand isn't too nice. It isn't sunny or warm out and its a little windy too (and I just hate the wind!)  We played inside today instead, and he is currently outside de-stuffing a kong I made earlier. 
We started off playing a quick game and while I wanted to play with his squeaky chicken, he had other ideas and helped himself to one of my teddy bears! (or whale bears in this case)
Chicken???? No, whale!!!

Throw the toy!!!

The short game wasn't actually very short and about 20 minutes later it was time for a snack and some training. Oscar got his snack out of an interactive toy that my brother got for me (yes for me, not the dog) for my birthday last month! Its an easy toy, so it isn't very challenging for Oscar but it is still fun to watch. 

 And then..............
                                                                ................ Some scentwork!!!! Which also went well.

We also topped it all off with some tricks! 
Ta Da!!!!!!!

By now, that kong is probably long gone and I'm getting hungry so we will have to go and see what else we can do today............. after I get some food though, not sure how long I can wait!!! 
I really hope that mum and dad get a domino's pizza to take home! That would really make my day!