Sunday 3 February 2013

Here comes the spring....... I hope!

I was convinced yesterday that the spring had arrived because I woke up to this wonderful scene,

Oscar was pleased that it was warmer than usual too.  I gave him his breakfast and then he resumed his usual spot when it's sunny outside,

I have been pretty busy lately so walks have been fairly short and boring (accept when Oscar gets stuck in a tree, or I fall out of one) So Oscar was over the moon when we went for our morning walk. I popped him over the fence and he was off,

 We went into 4 fields in total and my boots, which were just cleaned, were covered in muck, as they should be!!! Oscar has never been a water loving dog but he actually walked though this mega puddle in one of the fields, 
And that was actually after it had dried up a little!

He wasn't overly happy though when I decided to test his sit stay, but what can I say it has to be done some time. And, even if I do say so myself, he was very good indeed! 5 minutes without budging or turning off, although it was with me in sight. 

 It was a fun walk indeed (well, without the stay training part anyway) The weather was good and the field was relatively dry (you can just totally ignore that giant puddle, just pretend you never saw that picture!) 

Today on the other hand isn't too nice. It isn't sunny or warm out and its a little windy too (and I just hate the wind!)  We played inside today instead, and he is currently outside de-stuffing a kong I made earlier. 
We started off playing a quick game and while I wanted to play with his squeaky chicken, he had other ideas and helped himself to one of my teddy bears! (or whale bears in this case)
Chicken???? No, whale!!!

Throw the toy!!!

The short game wasn't actually very short and about 20 minutes later it was time for a snack and some training. Oscar got his snack out of an interactive toy that my brother got for me (yes for me, not the dog) for my birthday last month! Its an easy toy, so it isn't very challenging for Oscar but it is still fun to watch. 

 And then..............
                                                                ................ Some scentwork!!!! Which also went well.

We also topped it all off with some tricks! 
Ta Da!!!!!!!

By now, that kong is probably long gone and I'm getting hungry so we will have to go and see what else we can do today............. after I get some food though, not sure how long I can wait!!! 
I really hope that mum and dad get a domino's pizza to take home! That would really make my day!

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