Saturday 9 February 2013

Thats it! I cannot stop myself anymore!!

I need to get another dog!!!!!
Oscar is desperate for a friend and there is a dog in a rescue that is perfect for us, and she is just waiting for me to come and get her! 
The biggest problem however is the fence, we don't have one. Well, we have half the back garden fenced in, we just need to work on the other half.
Dad has plenty of pallets, but he is thinking of using better wood for the main fence and gate across the back drive, so that will be the fence which totally separates the back from the front. If he does that, then it leaves all the pallets, which I can use to reinforce the perimeter fence of the back garden, which is currently composed of wooden stakes and chicken wire. Because we are taking the old dog pen apart that also leaves us with spare wood and chicken wire which can be used to help further strengthen and higher the perimeter fence.
So, if dad gets some more pallets from work (which he gets for free) then that should hopefully be enough wood to make a nice fence for the garden!!!

And, we already have Oscar so if the fence is fixed then we fit the criteria for getting this little girl!!!!

I just hope I can convince mum that it is a good idea, but I know that she will crumble under the puppy dog eyes coming from, not only the rescue dog in question but also Oscars, and mine!!!!

I have enough money for the adoption fee and collars and beds and all so in essence all mum and dad have to do is help me with the fence (dad) and then bring me to collect her.

I really want her!!!!! And I need to have her, she had been waiting for a home for 3 years!!! Preferably my home!!!! 

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